Brain Changer BOOST Recovery Program
Expression of Interest

This form will give the Brain Changer team some background information on how you understand and live with pain at the moment. We will use this information to contact you and tailor the consultation to explore how our program can best meet your needs. This form will take around 2 minutes to complete.

The BOOST Recovery program involves extensive contact with a specialist health care professional and the cost will not be covered by Medicare. Private Health Insurance typically does not cover pain programs either. Our company and others are lobbying for changes to the system so that pain care is accessible for everyone.

Living Well with Pain Questionnaire

Below you will find a list of statements. Please rate the truth of each statement as it applies to you.

Pain Knowledge Questions

We'd like to understand where you're starting from in your scientific knowledge about pain. Here's your chance to show us what you know!

The BOOST Recovery program involves extensive contact with a specialist health care professional and the cost will not be covered by Medicare. Private Health Insurance typically does not cover pain programs either. Our company and others are lobbying for changes to the system so that pain care is accessible for everyone. *

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